416 Well Hall Rd, London, SE9 6UD


Want straight teeth quickly but don’t want metal braces? Speak to our teeth straightening experts to find out if Invisalign® is right for you.

Book Your FREE Invisalign Consultation

✅ Completely FREE & No-Obligation

FREE 3D Scan & X-rays

✅ FREE Teeth Whitening

✅ FREE Retainers

✅ 1-year follow-up appointments

Discount on composite bonding or veneers if needed after treatment

Only 15 consultations available

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Before & After


What are Invisalign clear braces?

Invisalign is an almost-invisible teeth-straightening treatment. It uses 3D computer-imaging technology (known as ClinCheck) to plan how teeth will move in increments (by wearing clear aligners) from your teeth’s current positions to the desired positions. This makes the results very predictable.The treatment plan and aligners are bespoke to you. You’ll change your aligners every 1 or 2 weeks and will wear them every day to maximise the straightening performance. At our practice, your expert dentist and treatment coordinator will track your progress every step of your teeth straightening journey to make sure you’re on track.

How long does the Invisalign treatment take?

The average treatment time is 6 to 12 months but this can vary depending on your individual needs.* We’ll be able to give you an accurate answer after we’ve used Invisalign’s ClinCheck computer-imaging technology to create your 3D smile simulation.

Is Invisalign painful or uncomfortable?

With no metal, sharp edges or individual brackets, our clear braces are far more comfortable than traditional braces. You may notice a feeling of pressure when you first change each aligner. This shows that your clear braces are working correctly.

Is it difficult to put the Invisalign clear aligners (braces) in?

Your virtually invisible aligners are very easy to put in and take out – when your first aligners arrive we’ll guide you through this. They are custom made to fit snugly over your teeth so you can be certain they will be perfect for you.

How often will I wear the Invisalign aligners?

You should wear your clear aligners all the time, except when eating, brushing or flossing your teeth. It is possible to take a small break for important events such as a wedding.

How do I care for the Invisalign aligners?

Simply brush and rinse your aligners in lukewarm water, then use the special cleaning tablets (we keep these in stock for your convenience). It’s important that you brush your teeth after each meal and before you put your clear aligners back in.

Is Invisalign better than traditional metal braces?

Invisalign braces are a great option for people who may feel uncomfortable or self conscious with traditional braces, as they are almost completely invisible so nobody will be able to tell when you have them on. The clear aligners are also removable so you can eat, drink and brush your teeth without the braces getting in the way.

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